Sunday service 10:30AM. Cant attend in person? Join our YouTube Livestream @AuburnChurch
Coffee & Fellowship 10:00AM.
Sunday service 10:30AM. Cant attend in person? Join our YouTube Livestream @AuburnChurch
Coffee & Fellowship 10:00AM.
We are excited about what God is doing in our community and in our families. What hope do we have if we do not hold fast to the One who is our hope? We desire to know God and apply His Word to our lives while also reaching out into our community.
Here you will find that we are a close body of believers that love to fellowship together, grow in Christ together and challenge each other. If you are looking for a place to call home where you desire to serve our Lord Jesus Christ in any way, and specifically by using your gifts, then we can be a place for you and your family. Or if you just desire to grow deeper in your walk with the Lord, we welcome you. Even if you are unsure of where you stand with God, we welcome you.
So please come check us out whether it’s our Sunday service or midweek ministries, young and old we would love to have you!
If you are unable to join us for our Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study you can tune in remotely via Zoom. Call in using your phone or you can login online.
Dial In: 1(646) 558-8656
Meeting ID: 841 7611 4594
Passcode: 1234
Worship service at 10:30 am Sunday morning
Join us for a time of fellowship and coffee prior to our service at 10:00 am.
Can't attend in person? Join our YouTube Livestream!
Tuesday night Youth Group
(6th-12th grade) meet at 6pm with a game, refreshments, and Bible study from 7pm to 8pm!
Wednesday night Bible Study starts at 7pm.
Got kids? Drop them off at Kidsclub Wednesday night 7pm to 8pm!
Children (K-5th grade) learn Bible stories with an interactive game and snacks.
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